
My biggest challenge up to now during these years (more than 12) was not how to cope with cultural differences, meeting deadlines, or how to work between different time zones. My greatest challenge is to convince potential clients and companies from the countries that have older traditions in using freelancers, Virtual Assistants, etc. (i.e. USA, Canada, UK, etc.) that combination of great quality of services, flexible attitude and reasonable prices is not location dependent. Another challenge we face is helping the client to clarify what are his requirements and procedures for the project. Very often clients realize that they need to outsource some of their administrative projects but they have no practical experience in BPO or are afraid of delegating tasks to companies abroad. My company uses broad range of methods to overcome above challenges which I would like to share with you:

  • Combination of prompt service, quality work, meeting deadlines, flexible and loyal attitude and reasonable prices;
  • Testimonials from satisfied clients;
  • Spread– of– word by current clients;
  • Initial 3 hours FREE for new clients.


През всичките тези години (повече от 12) съм среала много предизвикателства в своята работа. Най- голямото от тях не беше как да се справят с културните различия; спазването на срокове; или как да се работи между различни часови зони. А как да убедя потенциалните клиенти и компании от страните с по- стара традиция в използването на фрийлансъри, виртуални асистети и др. (като САЩ, Канада, Великобритания и т.н.), че комбинацията от високо качество на услугите, гъвкаво отношение и приемливи цени не зависят от местоположението.
Друго срещано предизвикателство е да помогнем на клиента да определи какви са неговите изисквания и процедури за даден проект. Много често клиентите осъзкават, че някой от административните им проекти могат да се направят от външен източник, но нямат практически опит в БПО или се притесняват да прехвърлят задачите към компании в чужбина.
В нашата компания използваме широк спектър от методи, за да се справим с всички предизвикателства и бихме искали да споделим някои от тях:

  • Комбинация от бързо обслужване, качество на работата, спазване на крайните срокове, гъвкаво и лоялно отношение и приемливи цени;
  • Препоръки от доволни клиенти;
  • Маркетинг "От уста на уста" от текущи клиенти;
  • Безплатни 3 часа за новите клиенти.

2016-04-22 15.23.04

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I believe that in the next 5– 10 years usage of remote administrative support should not be considered as a luxury but as daily or weekly necessity for companies. I consider outsourcing as a strategic partnership as it gives clients the opportunity to work smarter, not harder! Thank you!"

Gabriella Mitteva
Founder and CEO
Smart Office Solutions



After being 12 years at administrative support roles in corporate world, in 2003 Gabriella Mitteva decided to start a career as a Virtual Assistant. She has created her own brand – G.A.B.Y Virtual Assistance – that specialized in assisting small and medium businesses. During that time, she gained a broad experience in working with different clients from all over the world and proved to be the reliable and responsible VA they need. She established Smart Office Solutions Ltd. on June 2, 2014 as a natural continuation of her freelance practice and strive for expansion.

Smart Office Solutions offers administrative support services to individuals & businesses that require any level of administrative consulting designed to suit them whether on a regular or ad– hoc basis. Work Smarter, Not Harder Nowadays, more and more individuals and businesses take advantage of remote and flexible administrative services that save them time, energy and money. From the very beginning of my career as VA and subsequently as Entrepreneur I treat every new client as a whole new universe. They all have different point of views, characters, and requirements. However all of them are unified by same target: they all need to get great quality at reasonable price.

15 Inspiring Entrepreneurs: Overcoming Challenges When Starting Out (Money, Leadership, and Life Book 2)
(Kindle Locations 699-705, 707-716, 716-720). LDJ Solutions, LLC. Kindle Edition.
Jackson, L. Denise (2016-03-23).


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